7 Ways to Use Your WordPress Website to Showcase Expertise and Grow Trust

Ways to use WordPress website to showcase your expertise

How do you improve the effectiveness of a WordPress website? Well, depending on your specific goals—attracting prospects, converting visitors into customers, or improving your brand’s reputation—you can employ different trust strategies to maximize your chances of success.

However, regardless of what you’re trying to achieve, you can rest assured that it will be far easier if you manage to earn your target audience’s trust and establish your brand’s expertise. After all, 71% of people buy more from businesses they trust. And 61% recommend these organizations to their friends; investing in brand credibility pays off.

The great thing is that you can easily do this with your existing site. By tweaking its visual design, copy, and performance, you can tremendously increase your chances of establishing your brand’s credibility and initiating its growth phase. 

So, without further ado, here’s how to use your WordPress website to showcase expertise and grow trust.

Use the Power of Numbers to Establish Your Brand as a Trustworthy Organization

Social proof is essential for convincing people to buy from your brand (and return to it in the future).

But, while standard testimonials and reviews work beautifully to support your business’ claims, they’re not always effective at communicating the consistency with which your brand delivers positive customer experiences.

With this in mind, you’ll want to explore advanced ways of demonstrating your organization’s ability to meet customer demand. The easiest way to do this is to use the power of numbers, which can be particularly persuasive.

For example, Love the Night Sky understands that astronomy isn’t the most popular hobby. Nonetheless, pointing out that it has 13,000+ backyard astronomers subscribed to its weekly content newsletter, the brand makes a strong case for any aspiring astronomer to convert into a subscriber.

example to showcase expertise: love the night sky

Showcase Third-Party Trust Badges to Demonstrate Industry Authority

While social proof can help you establish your brand’s credibility, there will be circumstances when you might need additional evidence to demonstrate your ability to solve your target audience’s pain points.

For example, today’s consumers may rely on their friends and family for product recommendations most of the time, but they’re still likely to seek expert help for niche purchases. 

According to Edelman’s research from 2023, 66% of young people consider scientists and experts the most credible brand ambassadors, showing how important it is to include these voices on your website.

If you don’t have an influential specialist’s approval — or you have yet to build a successful influencer endorsement campaign — you can still showcase your brand’s expertise and grow trust. 

The easiest way to do this? Include third-party trust badges that demonstrate the recognition your business has received from credible organizations in your industry.

For example, knowing that software buyers regularly check Capterra and G2 for ratings and reviews, DialMyCalls includes rating badges from these websites in the social proof section on their school notifications service page.

dialmycalls: showcase expertise

Or, understanding the emphasis today’s shoppers put on quality ingredients, Pana Organic dedicates a section of its product pages to certifications, using the space to show that its claims of using organic, vegan, and gluten-free ingredients are backed by relevant regulatory organizations.

example of showcase expertise: panaorganic

Introduce Your Partners to Show Your Positive Track Record

Another excellent way to support your claims and grow brand trust is to introduce your organization’s partners.

Ultimately, no business is entirely self-sufficient. And that means it has to rely on partners and suppliers to deliver its products and services. So, while your team’s work may be exemplary, that hard work won’t amount to much if your business depends on unreliable companies for parts, services, or support.

So, use your WordPress website to show that your company delivers a next-level customer experience at all stages of the buyer’s journey. And one way to do this is to emphasize the trustworthiness of all your partners. For example, Eden Emerald Mortgages uses its homepage to point out it works with 40+ lenders, which ensures the best loan products for its customers and the lowest interest rates possible.

loan products

You can see something similar on Devinci’s E-Spartan product page. Understanding that components are just as important as design and build quality for cycling gear, this brand emphasizes that it uses Shimano parts. The emphasis makes sense, as Shimano is one of the most reliable bike part makers in the world.

example to showcase expertise: devinci

Prioritize Visuals, Copy, and Content that Enhance Product Understanding

While showing off social proof, certificates, and third-party badges may all be excellent ways to showcase expertise and trustworthiness, they won’t be enough to convince web visitors to convert unless people understand the value of your solutions.

Look at scientific research that studies the relationship between brand image, trust, and purchase intention. You’ll find that perceived value directly affects business credibility and your chances of converting new customers.

So, if you wish to maximize your WordPress website’s conversion potential, dedicate a ton of attention to the elements that drive product understanding and communicate user value.

Ultimately, by optimizing website copy — your value propositions and user benefits section — you’ll be well on your way to making your site more effective at growing trust. 

However, to guarantee that your content resonates with your audience, try to employ formats that boost product understanding.

For example, Wyzowl discovered that product explainer videos have an 82% success rate of convincing people to purchase a product. So, it’s no surprise that businesses like GetSafe regularly utilize this format to describe the unique benefits that make its solutions a good investment for people looking to enhance their at-home and on-the-go safety.

example to showcase expertise: get ssafe

Present Customers With Relevant Product Details

Another excellent way to earn your prospects’ trust and showcase expertise is to demonstrate an in-depth understanding of your target audience’s pain points.

Ultimately, taking the time to create resources that directly address your potential customers’ demands is a fantastic way to demonstrate your experience in your industry. It’s also a great way to show you care about your prospects’ needs and earn their confidence and loyalty.

Research from Adobe discovered that 79% of consumers prefer interacting with user-centric brands. So, if you want to enhance your WordPress website to boost conversion rates, explore opportunities to prove your dedication to meeting your audience’s expectations.

ScreenZen does a terrific job with the Features section on its homepage. It addresses customer needs, potential setbacks, and how the app removes those pain points. By demonstrating its in-depth understanding of how people want distraction-blocking apps to act, this business effectively showcases expertise, proving that people can confidently trust the ScreenZen brand to solve their needs.


Engage Customers with ESG-focused Product Details

Alternatively, if you want to grab your website visitors’ attention, get them to form an emotional connection with your brand and encourage them to perceive your solutions as superior to anything else in the market. It’s a good idea to present conversion-inspiring product details that focus on specific ESG values.

Today’s consumers want brands to show they care about relevant social, ecological, and governance causes. So, knowing that 82% of people will study your brand’s values before clicking the “Buy” button, explore ways to make your offer relevant and attractive from a value-oriented POV.

For instance, Carccu includes an interactive product features section on its website. Here, it presents web visitors with the pros of investing in Carccu’s packaging products. It also describes its strategies for complying with its ESG claims, knowing its target audience will take these procedures into consideration before converting.

example to showcase expertise: carccu

Give Unique Insights and Knowledge Away for Free

In addition to employing social proof and optimizing website content to show your brand’s credibility, there’s one more way you can earn your audience’s trust: demonstrate your willingness to put their needs first, even if it means not making a sale.

Ultimately, brand generosity is one of the most effective ways to get your target audience to perceive your business as trustworthy. Plus, the best thing is that it’s easy to achieve by upgrading your existing content marketing strategy to give unique insights and knowledge away for free.

Showing your WordPress website visitors that you’re happy to share your knowledge to help them solve pain points will: 

  • Earn their trust
  • Boost your site’s SEO by showing Google that it offers valuable content
  • Get your readers to form a positive first impression about your business, enhancing their chances of thinking of your brand once they’re ready to purchase

For instance, the Unita homepage highlights the brand’s blog section, using the preview feature to show web visitors the immense value they can get (for free) by simply clicking on one of the articles. The templates, guides, and reviews are all useful to business community owners. In addition to educating Unita’s target audience, they’re an effective conversion incentive, as this organization aims to attract new members by positioning itself as the ultimate community-building platform on the web.

example to showcase expertise: unita

Employ Trust-Boosting Microcopy to Nudge Visitors to Convert

Last but not least, as you explore ways to use your WordPress website to grow trust, remember that one of the main reasons people stop interacting with businesses online is that the interactions feel risky.

So, if you can employ small elements that will convince your target audience that buying from your brand is safe, you will boost brand trust and drastically increase your profits.

Perhaps one of the easiest ways to do this is to look at the existing conversion elements on your website and explore ways to make clicking on them seem less risky.

For instance, Classical Guitar Shed uses a pop-up element to invite people to download a free eBook, using the microcopy below the CTA button to state that it will keep all emails safe and private.


Or, knowing how frustrating it can be for businesses to integrate new SaaS solutions into their workflows, Bento emphasizes that it only takes five minutes to set up its email marketing and automation when inviting web visitors to enter its free trial program.

example to showcase expertise: bento

Final Thoughts

There you have it: some of the best ways to use your WordPress website to showcase expertise, grow trust, and inspire your target audience to convert.

Have you already tried some of these trust-enhancing strategies? Or are you yet to give them a go?

Either way, you can rest assured that these tactics will help your business’s growth potential. Nonetheless, to ensure that you get the best possible results, always aim to align your branding and marketing strategies with your target audience’s preferences. That way, you won’t just guarantee that your site appeals to them. You’ll encourage them to form an emotional connection with your brand. And that can be super powerful at acquiring leads you can nurture into loyal customers.

Author’s bio: 

Natasha is a lady of the keyboard and one hell of a geek. She has been working for and collaborating with individual clients and companies of all sizes for more than a decade. Natasha specializes in writing about design, branding, digital marketing, and business growth. 

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